A verbal noun is a noun that is morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning.
The word description, related to the word describe, is a verbal noun.
In the following example, walking is a verbal noun:
Schachter, Paul. 1985. "Parts-of-speech systems." In Shopen 1985b
Pei, Mario A., and Frank Gaynor. 1954.A dictionary of linguistics. New York: Philosophical Library.
Palmer, F. R. 1986.Mood and modality. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University.
Mish, Frederick (editor). 1991.Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. 1,564 pages. 0877795088; indexed 0877795096; deluxe 087779510X.
Hartmann, R.R.K., and F.C. Stork. 1972.Dictionary of language and linguistics. London: Applied Science.
Crystal, David. 1980.A first dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. Boulder, CO: Westview.