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- D: 170 terms
- DA Branch
- DAB USE DA Branch
- dark energy USE Astrophysics
- dark matter USE Astrophysics
- darkroom equipment USE Instrumentation and Photography
- Data
- data acquisition programs USE Computer Programming and Software
- Data Analysis Branch USE DA Branch
- Data bases USE Databases
- data compilation systems USE Computer Systems
- data input devices USE Computer Operations and Hardware
- Data Management Plan USE Planning Documents
- data management systems USE Computer Systems
- data processing USE Computer Operations and Hardware
- data processing systems USE Computer Systems
- data sampling USE Statistics and Probability
- data smoothing USE Statistics and Probability
- Data Systems and Technology
- data transmission applications USE Communications and Radar
- data transmission development USE Communications and Radar
- data transmission equipment USE Communications and Radar
- data transmission research USE Communications and Radar
- data transmission techniques USE Communications and Radar
- Data Visualization
- Database Management Systems
- Databases
- databases USE Documentation and Information Science
- DATDBMMT USE Database Management Systems
- DATLARGE USE Large Scale Data Systems
- DATSYS USE Data Systems and Technology
- DATVISUAL USE Data Visualization
- Dawn
- Dawn Project Office
- DDEELEC USE Electrical Design and Development Engineering
- DDEPROP USE Propulsion Design and Development Engineering
- DDESTRUCT USE Structural Design and Development Engineering
- DDETEST USE Test Fixtures and GSE Design and Development Engineering
- DE-1 USE Explorer 62
- DE-A USE Explorer 62
- debugging programs USE Computer Programming and Software
- Decca navigation system USE Aircraft Communications and Navigation
- deceleration effects (human) USE Aerospace Medicine
- decision making USE Administration and Management
- Decision Making and Risk Management Fundamental Research
- decision theory USE Systems Analysis and Operations Research
- decomposition (propellants and fuels) USE Propellants and Fuels
- decompression sickness USE Aerospace Medicine
- Deep Impact
- Deep Impact Project
- Deep Space 1
- Deep Space 2
- Deep Space and Science Missions and Projects
- deep space instrumentation facilities USE Ground Support Systems and Facilities (Space)
- Deep Space Network
- Deep Space Network USE Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking
- Defense & Intelligence Space Program Office
- Defining the science or demonstration requirements
- deicing systems (aircraft) USE Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
- Deimos
- depressurization systems (aircraft) USE Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
- depressurization systems (spacecraft) USE Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
- Deputy Director
- Desdemona
- DESDEVENG USE Design and Development Engineering
- desertification USE Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
- Design
- Design and Development Engineering
- Design Certification Reviews USE Reviews, Results, and Analyses
- Design Models USE Physical Models
- design of launch vehicles, tanks, components, systems USE Launch Vehicles and Launch Operations
- Designs and Specifications
- Despina
- detecting devices (aircraft) USE Avionics and Aircraft Instrumentation
- detecting devices (spacecraft) USE Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
- Detector Systems
- detectors USE Instrumentation and Photography
- DETECTSYS USE Detector Systems
- detonation processes USE Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry
- DEVELOPBIO USE Developmental Biology
- Development
- development facilities (aircraft) USE Research and Support Facilities (Air)
- development facilities (space) USE Ground Support Systems and Facilities (Space)
- development of alloys USE Metals and Metallic Materials
- development of nonmetallic materials USE Nonmetallic Materials
- development of propellants and fuels USE Propellants and Fuels
- Development Programs Office
- development) USE Research and Support Facilities (Air)
- Developmental Biology
- DFRC USE Dryden Flight Research Center
- diagnostic procedures (software) USE Computer Programming and Software
- Diagrams
- dielectric materials properties USE Solid-State Physics
- dielectrics (electronic application) USE Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- dies USE Mechanical Engineering
- diesel engines (aircraft) USE Aircraft Propulsion and Power
- diesel engines (non-aircraft) USE Mechanical Engineering
- diets (space missions) USE Man/System Technology and Life Support
- difference equations USE Numerical Analysis
- differential equations USE Numerical Analysis
- differential geometry USE Theoretical Mathematics
- differentiation (mathematics) USE Numerical Analysis
- Diffuse X-Ray Spectrometer
- diffusers (aircraft engines) USE Aircraft Propulsion and Power
- digital communications systems (aircraft) USE Aircraft Communications and Navigation
- digital communications systems (spacecraft) USE Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking
- digital communications systems (theory and techniques) USE Communications and Radar
- digital computers USE Computer Operations and Hardware
- digital storage devices USE Computer Operations and Hardware
- digital storage techniques USE Computer Operations and Hardware
- diodes USE Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- Dione
- Director's Office
- Directories
- Disciplines
- discovery of celestial bodies USE Astronomy
- Discovery Program
- Discrepancy Report 2006
- display devices (aircraft) USE Avionics and Aircraft Instrumentation
- display devices (spacecraft) USE Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
- display engineering USE Engineering (General)
- Disposal
- Disposal of remaining mission resources
- disruption) USE Aircraft Communications and Navigation
- distributed data processing USE Computer Systems
- Distributing
- diurnal effects (biological, animal and plant) USE Life Sciences (General)
- diurnal effects (human) USE Aerospace Medicine
- diurnal effects (meteorology) USE Meteorology and Climatology
- DIVERSEMMT USE Diversity Management
- Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- Diversity Management
- dividers (electric) USE Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- DLR USE German Aerospace Center
- docking (spacecraft) USE Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
- document markup languages (computer programming) USE Computer Programming and Software
- document markup languages (information transfer) USE Documentation and Information Science
- document miniaturization USE Documentation and Information Science
- document processing USE Documentation and Information Science
- Document Types USE Content Types
- documentation USE Documentation and Information Science
- Documentation and Information Science
- donors (solid state) USE Solid-State Physics
- Doppler effect (acoustics) USE Acoustics
- Doppler navigation systems USE Aircraft Communications and Navigation
- Dosimeters
- drag reduction (effects and techniques) USE Aerodynamics
- Drawings
- drives USE Mechanical Engineering
- Dryden Flight Research Center
- DS1 USE Deep Space 1
- DS2 USE Deep Space 2
- DSN Advanced Tracking & Observational Techniques Office
- DSN Development, Operations, and Services Program Office
- DSN Mission Commitments Office
- DSN Program Office
- DSN System Engineering and Standards Office
- Dust Impact Detectors
- dutch roll USE Aircraft Stability and Control
- dwarf planets USE Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
- DXS USE Diffuse X-Ray Spectrometer
- dye lasers USE Lasers and Masers
- Dynamic Data Analysis
- dynamic oceanography USE Oceanography
- dynamic programming USE Systems Analysis and Operations Research
- dynamic stability (aircraft) USE Aircraft Stability and Control
- dynamic stability (spacecraft) USE Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
- dynamic structural analysis USE Structural Mechanics
- dynamics (physics) USE Physics (General)
- dysbarism USE Aerospace Medicine