NASA Taxonomy

Sensitive But Unclassified

Sensitive But Unclassified
Information, regardless of its form (digital, hard-copy, magnetic tape, etc.), the release of which could cause harm to a person's privacy or welfare, adversely impact economic or industrial institutions, or compromise programs or operations essential to the safeguarding of our national interests is designated as SBU to control or restrict its access. Information designated as SBU shall be afforded appropriate protection sufficient to safeguard it from unauthorized disclosure. Within NASA and the Federal Government, such information had previously been designated "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY." This designation was changed at NASA to "Administratively Controlled Information" for clarity and to more accurately describe the status of information to be protected. However, recent efforts to apply consistent terminology across multiple federal agencies have prompted NASA to change the designation to "Sensitive but Unclassified." Therefore the caveat "SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED (SBU)" will be used to identify sensitive but unclassified information within the NASA community when that information is not otherwise specifically described and governed by statute or regulation. The use of caveats other than SBU will be governed by the statutes and regulations issued for the applicable category of information. (Source: NPR 1600.1 NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements, Section 5.2.4).

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Related terms
  • Search Sensitive But Unclassified  (Wikipedia (ES))
  • Search Sensitive But Unclassified  (Google búsqueda exacta)
  • Search Sensitive But Unclassified  (Google scholar)
  • Search Sensitive But Unclassified  (Google images)
  • Search Sensitive But Unclassified  (Google books)