Physics Subject Headings - Physh

  1. A ≤ 5
  2. A ≥ 220
  3. Ab initio calculations
  4. Abrasion
  5. Abstract algebra
  6. AC susceptibility measurements
  7. Accelerator applications
  8. Accelerator subsystems
  9. Accelerator/storage ring control systems
  10. Accelerators & Beams
  11. Accelerators & storage rings
  12. Accretion disk & black-hole plasma
  13. Acoustic interactions
  14. Acoustic measurements
  15. Acoustic metamaterials
  16. Acoustic modeling
  17. Acoustic phonons
  18. Acoustic pulse USE Ultrasound techniques
  19. Acoustic signal processing & noise
  20. Acoustic techniques
  21. Acoustic wave phenomena
  22. Acoustics
  23. Actin
  24. Actinides
  25. Action potential propagation
  26. Active & peculiar galaxies
  27. Active brownian particles
  28. Active defects
  29. Active gels
  30. Active liquid films
  31. Active matter
  32. Active nematic gels
  33. Active nematics
  34. Active polar gels
  35. Actuating materials
  36. ADF USE Annular dark-field imaging
  37. Adhesion
  38. Adhesives
  39. Adiabatic approximation
  40. Adiabatic demagnetization
  41. Adiabatic quantum optimization
  42. AdS/CFT USE Gauge-gravity dualities
  43. AdS/CMT USE String theory techniques in condensed matter
  44. Adsorbed molecules
  45. Adsorption
  46. Advanced accelerator test facilities
  47. Advocacy
  48. Aerodynamic noise
  49. Aerodynamics
  50. Aerogel
  51. Aerosols
  52. AES USE Auger electron spectroscopy
  53. AFM USE Atomic force microscopy
  54. Aggregates
  55. Aggregation
  56. Aging
  57. Aharonov-Bohm effect
  58. Aharonov-Casher effect
  59. AHE USE Anomalous Hall effect
  60. Air-fluid interfaces USE Gas-liquid interfaces
  61. Airy beams USE Spatial profiles of optical beams
  62. Alfvén waves
  63. Algebraic structure USE Abstract algebra
  64. Alignment & survey
  65. Alkali metals
  66. Alkaline earth metals
  67. Alloys
  68. Alpha decay
  69. Alternative gravity theories
  70. Amorphous materials
  71. Amorphous semiconductors
  72. AMR USE Anisotropic magnetoresistance
  73. Analytical chemistry
  74. Anderson impurity model
  75. Anderson localization
  76. Andreev point contact spectroscopy
  77. Andreev reflection
  78. Anelastic deformation
  79. Angiography
  80. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
  81. Angular momentum
  82. Angular momentum of light
  83. Anharmonic lattice dynamics
  84. Animal behavior
  85. Anisotropic magnetoresistance
  86. Annealing
  87. Annular dark-field imaging
  88. Anomalies
  89. Anomalous diffusion
  90. Anomalous Hall effect
  91. Anthropic considerations
  92. Antibubbles
  93. Antielectron USE Positrons
  94. Antiferroelectricity
  95. Antiferroelectrics
  96. Antiferromagnetism
  97. Antiferromagnets
  98. Antisymmetric exchange USE Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
  99. Anyons
  100. Applications of soft matter
  101. Approximation methods for many-body systems
  102. APS Taxonomy
  103. Arc discharge
  104. Archea
  105. Architectural acoustics
  106. Arcs USE Atmospheric electricity
  107. ARPES USE Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
  108. Artificial neural networks
  109. ARUPS USE Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
  110. Asperomagnetism
  111. Assessment
  112. Assortativity
  113. Asteroids, meteors, & meteorites
  114. Astigmatism
  115. Astronomical black holes
  116. Astronomical masses & mass distributions
  117. Astrophysical & cosmological simulations
  118. Astrophysical electromagnetic fields
  119. Astrophysical fluid dynamics
  120. Astrophysical jets
  121. Astrophysical plasma in the laboratory USE Laboratory studies of space & astrophysical plasmas
  122. Astrophysical studies of gravity
  123. Asymmetric nuclear matter
  124. Asymmetric simple exclusion process
  125. Atactic polymers
  126. Atmospheric electricity
  127. Atmospheric fluid dynamics
  128. Atmospheric science
  129. Atom & ion cooling
  130. Atom & ion trapping & guiding
  131. Atom diffraction
  132. Atom impact & scattering
  133. Atom interferometry
  134. Atom lasers
  135. Atom optics
  136. Atom or molecule scattering from surfaces
  137. Atom scattering from surfaces USE Atom or molecule scattering from surfaces
  138. Atomic & molecular beams
  139. Atomic & molecular clusters
  140. Atomic & molecular collisions
  141. Atomic & molecular processes in external fields
  142. Atomic & molecular structure
  143. Atomic ensemble
  144. Atomic force microscopy
  145. Atomic gases
  146. Atomic orbital
  147. Atomic Properties
  148. Atomic spectra
  149. Atomic systems
  150. Atomic techniques
  151. Atomic, Molecular & Optical
  152. Atomic, optical & lattice clocks
  153. Atoms
  154. Atoms, ions, & molecules in cavities
  155. ATP
  156. Attacks on networks
  157. Attosecond laser irradiation
  158. Attosecond laser spectroscopy
  159. Auditory system
  160. Auger electron spectroscopy
  161. Auroral phenomena in magnetosphere
  162. Auroras
  163. Autoionization & Auger processes
  164. Auxetic materials
  165. Axions
  166. Axis specification
  167. Axons