USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus

  1. I. G. Farben
  2. I.V. Stalin Partisan Formation (generic)
  3. Iasi Pogrom (June 29, 1941)
  4. Iberia (Ship)
  5. Ickes, Harold LeClair
  6. identification papers (stills)
  7. identification papers 
  8. identity
  9. identity concealment 
  10. identity concealment assistance 
  11. identity concealment preparations 
  12. identity concealment surgery 
  13. identity concealment‐related psychological reactions 
  14. identity exposure 
  15. Iependaal, Willem van
  16. IG Farben Trial (Germany)
  17. II Minskaia Brigada
  18. II Vinnitskaia Partizanskaia Brigada imeni Stalina
  19. Ile de France (Ship)
  20. illegal border crossings
  21. illegal emigration
  22. illegal immigration
  23. Ilsenstein (Ship)
  24. Imrédy, Béla
  25. incarceration sites (stills)
  26. Independence (Ship)
  27. Independent Lodzer Young Men
  28. Indian history
  29. Indian prisoners of war
  30. Indian soldiers
  31. Indian units 
  32. Indochinese prisoners of war
  33. Indonesian prison guards
  34. infanticide 
  35. infestations 
  36. information source confiscations 
  37. Ingenieurbüro Schlempp
  38. Ingrao, Pietro
  39. Ingush prisoners of war
  40. injuries (stills)
  41. injuries 
  42. Institut Ascher
  43. Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, Ltd.
  44. Institute of Jewish Studies
  45. Instytut Nauk Judaistycznych
  46. intelligence and espionage organizations
  47. intelligence operative prisoners
  48. intelligence operatives
  49. intelligence training
  50. intelligence activities 
  51. intelligence operative recruitment 
  52. intelligence training 
  53. intelligentsia executions
  54. intergenerational Holocaust impact
  55. intergenerational Holocaust impact 
  56. Interlandi, Telesio
  57. International Association of Hebrew Free Loans
  58. International Brigades
  59. International Committee for European Refugees
  60. International Council for Jewish Women
  61. international flight routes
  62. International March of the Living, Inc.
  63. international migration routes
  64. International Red Cross
  65. International Red Help
  66. International Refugee Organization
  67. International Solidarity Fund
  68. Internationale Sozialistische Kampfbund (ISK)
  69. Internationales Lagerkomittee Buchenwald
  70. internment camp working life
  71. internment camps (stills)
  72. interracial relationships
  73. interview introductions
  74. interviewee occupations
  75. interviewee original works
  76. interviewee photographs (stills)
  77. interviewees' children
  78. interviewee memory 
  79. inter‐Christian relations
  80. inter‐Jewish relations
  81. inter‐prisoner behavioral conduct 
  82. inter‐Sinti and Roma relations
  83. inter‐survivor relations
  84. investigation organizations
  85. Ipanema (Ship)
  86. Ipfling, Anton
  87. Iraqi government officials
  88. Iraqi history
  89. Iraqi police and security forces
  90. Iraqi prisoners
  91. Iraqi soldiers
  92. Irgun Berit Zion
  93. Irgun She'erit Ha‐peletah
  94. Irgun Zeva'i Le'ummi
  95. Irish (language)
  96. Iron Guard
  97. Iron Guard members
  98. Iron Guard Rebellion (January 21‐23, 1941)
  99. Irving, David
  100. Isaac Eizik (1875‐1944, son of Joseph Meir)
  101. Isaaksohn, Rolf
  102. Iskra Otriad
  103. Islam
  104. Islamic prayers
  105. Islamic religious holidays
  106. Islamic religious observances
  107. Israel Cancer Association, The
  108. Israel Cancer Research Fund
  109. Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children
  110. Israel Independence Day (May 14, 1948)
  111. Israel Labor Party
  112. Israel Meir Ha‐Kohen
  113. Israeli government officials
  114. Israeli history
  115. Israeli immigrant absorption centers
  116. Israeli police and security forces
  117. Israeli prison guards
  118. Israeli prisoners of war
  119. Israeli refugee camps
  120. Israeli settlement defense
  121. Israeli settlement establishment
  122. Israeli soldiers
  123. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien
  124. Israeli armed forces 
  125. Israel Independence Day (May 14, 1948) 
  126. Issachar Dov Rokeach (1854‐1927 second son of Joshua Rokeach)
  127. Issachar Dov Rokeach (b. 1948, nephew of Aaron Rokeach)
  128. Istrebitel' Detachment
  129. Italia (Ship)(generic)
  130. Italian (language)
  131. Italian camp guards
  132. Italian camp personnel
  133. Italian civilian laborer
  134. Italian forced labor civilian supervisors
  135. Italian ghetto guards
  136. Italian ghetto inhabitants, Italian
  137. Italian government officials
  138. Italian history
  139. Italian invasion of Albania (April 7, 1939)
  140. Italian invasion of Ethiopia (October 3, 1935)
  141. Italian invasion of France (June 21, 1940)
  142. Italian invasion of Greece (October 28, 1940)
  143. Italian invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)
  144. Italian invasion of Yugoslavia (April 6, 1941)
  145. Italian kapos
  146. Italian National Fascist Party members
  147. Italian occupation conditions
  148. Italian police and security forces
  149. Italian prison guards
  150. Italian prisoner functionaries
  151. Italian prisoners
  152. Italian prisoners of war
  153. Italian Racial Defense Laws (1938‐1939)
  154. Italian refugee camps
  155. Italian refugees
  156. Italian resistance fighters
  157. Italian resistance groups
  158. Italian soldiers
  159. Italian armed forces 
  160. Italian Fascist propaganda 
  161. Italian prisoner of war camps 
  162. Italian units 
  163. Izbica‐Radzyn Hasidism