European Education Thesaurus

  1. Aargovia
  2. abandoned child
  3. ABC-Buch [DE] USE alphabet book
  4. abecedario [GA] USE education
  5. abecedario [GA] USE alphabet book
  6. abilità comunicativa [IT] USE communicative competence
  7. abilità mentale [IT] USE cognitive ability
  8. ability
  9. ability grouping
  10. abnormal child USE exceptional
  11. aborrecemento [GA] USE boredom
  12. abortion
  13. abroad
  14. absence [FR] USE attendance
  15. absenteeism
  16. abstract
  17. abstract [CT] USE abstract
  18. abstract [VS] USE abstract
  19. abstraction
  20. Abteilungsunterricht [DE] USE team teaching
  21. abuso di stupefacenti [IT] USE drug addiction
  22. abuso sexual [ES] USE sexual offence
  23. abuso sexual [GA] USE sexual offence
  24. Abweichendes Verhalten [DE] USE deviant behaviour
  25. Abwesenheit [DE] USE attendance
  26. academic degree
  27. academic freedom
  28. academic game USE simulation game
  29. academic recognition of diplomas USE recognition of qualifications
  30. academic staff USE teaching personnel
  31. academic year
  32. acalculia
  33. acampada [CT] USE camping
  34. accademia militare [IT] USE military school
  35. accelerated course
  36. acceleration
  37. accés al món laboral [CT] USE access to employment
  38. accesibilidad arquitectónica [ES] USE access for the disabled
  39. accesibilidade arquitectónica [GA] USE access for the disabled
  40. accesibilidade para os discapacitados [GA] USE access for the disabled
  41. access for the disabled
  42. access to education
  43. access to employment
  44. accessibilitat arquitectònica [CT] USE access for the disabled
  45. accident
  46. accident de trànsit [CT] USE traffic accident
  47. accountant
  48. accreditation
  49. acculturation
  50. aceno [GA] USE gesture
  51. achievement
  52. achievement control
  53. achievement gain
  54. achievement measurement
  55. achievement motivation
  56. achievement test
  57. acollida [CT] USE child placement
  58. acoustics
  59. ACP countries
  60. acquired immune deficiency syndrome USE AIDS
  61. acquis fondamentaux [FR] USE minimum competencies
  62. acquisition du langage [FR] USE language development
  63. acreditación [GA] USE accreditation
  64. act
  65. action research
  66. actitud del profesor [ES] USE teacher behaviour
  67. actitud política [ES] USE political behaviour
  68. actividades culturais [GA] USE socio-cultural activities
  69. Actividades culturais [PT] USE socio-cultural activities
  70. actividades culturales [ES] USE socio-cultural activities
  71. activitats a cel obert [CT] USE open air activities
  72. activitats culturals [CT] USE socio-cultural activities
  73. activitats de lleure [CT] USE recreational activities
  74. activités culturelles [FR] USE socio-cultural activities
  75. activités périscolaires [FR] USE out of school education
  76. activity method
  77. adaptability
  78. adaptation USE adjustment
  79. ademán [ES] USE gesture
  80. adicción ó tabaco [GA] USE smoking
  81. ADION
  82. adjustment
  83. adl-training
  84. administración autonómica [GA] USE regional administration
  85. Administración competente [GA] USE organising body
  86. administración da educación [GA] USE educational administration
  87. administración de empresas [GA] USE business management
  88. administración de la educación [ES] USE educational administration
  89. administration
  90. administration
  91. administration of education
  92. administrative district
  93. administrative document
  94. administrative personnel
  95. administrative sciences
  96. administrative structure
  97. administrator
  98. administrazio antolaketa [VS] USE administrative structure
  99. administrazio antolaketa [VS] USE female
  100. admission
  101. admission requirements
  102. adolescence
  103. adolescent
  104. adopted child
  105. adoption
  106. adoptive parents
  107. adresse [FR] USE manual skill
  108. Adreßbuch [DE] USE directory
  109. adult
  110. adult education
  111. adult education institute
  112. adult training USE further training
  113. adult-child relation
  114. advancement
  115. advertising
  116. adviser USE guidance officer
  117. advising USE guidance
  118. advisory body
  119. aeronautica militare [IT] USE armed forces
  120. aesthetic education
  121. aesthetics
  122. affection
  123. affection need
  124. affective behaviour
  125. affective deprivation
  126. affective development
  127. affective education
  128. affectivity
  129. affectivity and feeling
  130. affiliation need
  131. Afghanistan
  132. Africa
  133. Africa
  134. Africa del Sud-Ovest [IT] USE Namibia
  135. African languages
  136. age
  137. age difference
  138. age exemption
  139. age limit
  140. agencia de colocación [ES] USE employment service
  141. aggiornamento professionale [IT] USE in-service training
  142. aggression
  143. aggressiveness
  144. agiria [vs] USE document
  145. Agrarwissenschaft [DE] USE agricultural science
  146. agrès [FR] USE physical education apparatus
  147. agricultor [GA] USE agricultural worker
  148. agricultural education USE agricultural training
  149. agricultural science
  150. agricultural training
  151. agricultural worker
  152. agriculture
  153. agro [GA] USE agriculture
  154. agronomie [FR] USE agricultural science
  155. agronomy USE agricultural science
  156. ahizpa [VS] USE sister
  157. aholkua [VS] USE social geography
  158. aholkua [VS] USE guidance
  159. ahozko proba [VS] USE subsidy
  160. ahozko proba [VS] USE oral examination
  161. aide financière [FR] USE subsidy
  162. aide pécuniaire [FR] USE grant
  163. aide-mémoire [FR] USE reference book
  164. AIDS
  165. aims of education
  166. air conditioning
  167. air force USE armed forces
  168. aire zabaleko ekintzak [VS] USE open air activities
  169. aiuto finanziario [IT] USE subsidy
  170. ajuda financera [CT] USE subsidy
  171. ajuda pedagògica [CT] USE teaching aid
  172. Akademiker [DE] USE criterion-referenced evaluation
  173. Aktionsforschung [DE] USE action research
  174. Aktionsforschung [DE] USE intercultural education
  175. alaitasuna [VS] USE joy
  176. albanès [CT] USE Albanian language
  177. albanés [GA] USE Albanian language
  178. Albania
  179. Albanian language
  180. alcohol
  181. alcohol [GA] USE alcohol
  182. alcoholism
  183. alcoholismo [GA] USE alcoholism
  184. Alcorà [CT] USE scripture
  185. aldea [GA] USE village
  186. aldizkako agerkaria [VS] USE group learning
  187. aldizkako agerkaria [VS] USE periodical
  188. Aleijado [PT] USE physically handicapped
  189. alemán [GA] USE German language
  190. alemany [CT] USE German language
  191. alfabetització informàtica [CT] USE computer literacy
  192. Alfabetizaçao informática [PT] USE computer literacy
  193. alfabetización informática [ES] USE computer literacy
  194. alferkeria [VS] USE laziness
  195. algebra
  196. Algeria
  197. algorithm
  198. alienation
  199. alimentació [CT] USE nutrition
  200. alimentación [ES] USE nutrition