European Education Thesaurus

  1. vacation USE holidays
  2. vacation course
  3. vaccination
  4. vagar [GA] USE leisure
  5. vagrancy
  6. Valais
  7. Valencia
  8. validity
  9. value
  10. value system
  11. valutazione diagnostica [IT] USE evaluation
  12. valutazione finale [IT] USE summative evaluation
  13. vandalism
  14. variance analysis
  15. vasco [GA] USE Basque language
  16. Vatican
  17. Vaud
  18. Vencimento [PT] USE salary
  19. Venerische Krankheit [DE] USE sexually transmitted disease
  20. Venezuela
  21. ventilation
  22. verbal behaviour
  23. verbal communication
  24. verbal interaction
  25. verbal learning
  26. verbal test
  27. verbalization
  28. Verbrechen [DE] USE crime
  29. verdict
  30. Vereinigte Arabische Republik [DE] USE Egypt
  31. Vergehen [DE] USE crime
  32. Vergleichende Pädagogik [DE] USE comparative education
  33. verifica dell'apprendimento [IT] USE evaluation
  34. Vermittlungsdienst [DE] USE employment service
  35. Verteilung der Ferientermine [DE] USE staggering of holidays
  36. vertical grouping
  37. Verwaltungsorganisation [DE] USE administrative structure
  38. Vestuário [PT] USE discipline
  39. vêtement [FR] USE pupil equipment
  40. Via de ensino [PT] USE branch of study
  41. Via profissionalizante [PT] USE branch of study
  42. viaggio di istruzione [IT] USE study tour
  43. vice-chancellor of university
  44. vida laboral [GA] USE working life
  45. vida política [CT] USE politics
  46. vida política [ES] USE politics
  47. Vida política [PT] USE politics
  48. video library
  49. video-game [IT] USE computer game
  50. videocassette
  51. videodisc
  52. videògraf [CT] USE videorecorder
  53. videografo [ES] USE videorecorder
  54. Videoplatte [DE] USE database management system
  55. videorecorder
  56. videorecording
  57. videotape
  58. videotape [CT] USE videotape
  59. videotape [ES] USE videotape
  60. videotape [VS] USE videotape
  61. videotex
  62. Videotex [DE] USE videodisc
  63. vie politique [FR] USE politics
  64. Vietnam
  65. viewfoil USE transparency
  66. village
  67. village youth USE rural youth
  68. viol [FR] USE sexual offence
  69. Violaçao [PT] USE sexual offence
  70. violació [CT] USE sexual offence
  71. violación sexual [GA] USE sexual offence
  72. violación [ES] USE sexual offence
  73. violence
  74. Virxes Británicas, Illas [GA] USE British Virgin Islands
  75. Virxes dos Estados Unidos, Illas [GA] USE United States Virgin Islands
  76. vision defect
  77. visita d'estudis [CT] USE study tour
  78. visita de estudios [ES] USE study tour
  79. visita de estudios [GA] USE study tour
  80. Visita de estudo [PT] USE study tour
  81. visita di studio [IT] USE study tour
  82. visite d'étude [FR] USE study tour
  83. visite médicale [FR] USE medical inspection
  84. visiting teacher
  85. visual capacity
  86. visual habit
  87. visual handicap USE vision defect
  88. visual learning
  89. visual perception
  90. visually handicapped
  91. vita lavorativa [IT] USE working life
  92. vocabulary
  93. vocal music
  94. vocational aspiration USE occupational aspiration
  95. vocational change USE occupational mobility
  96. vocational choice USE occupational choice
  97. vocational education
  98. vocational guidance
  99. vocational information
  100. vocational preparation
  101. vocational qualification
  102. vocational rehabilitation
  103. vocational school
  104. vocational training
  105. vocational training centre USE training centre
  106. voda [GA] USE marriage
  107. Volksbücherei [DE] USE public library
  108. volontariat [FR] USE voluntary work
  109. Volta Garaia [VS] USE Burkina Faso
  110. Voluntariado [PT] USE voluntary work
  111. voluntary agency USE voluntary organisation
  112. voluntary organisation
  113. voluntary work
  114. Vorsagen [DE] USE cheating
  115. voyage éducatif [FR] USE study tour