
  1. C-band
  2. CAD
  3. cadastral map
  4. cadastral survey
  5. cadastre
  6. calibration
  7. calibration data
  8. calibration software routine
  9. CAM
  10. camera
  11. Cameron decomposition
  12. candidate key
  13. cardinal effect
  14. cardinal points
  15. CARP USE computer-aided aerial photography
  16. cartesian coordinate system
  17. cartographic modeling
  18. cartographic reference
  19. cartography (discipline)
  20. CASA 212C
  21. cathode ray tube
  22. CCD
  23. CCD camera
  24. CCD-IMAGER USE charge coupled device imager
  25. CCT USE computer compatible tape
  26. CCTHS USE chromaticity color triangle
  27. ceilometer
  28. celestial sphere
  29. cell USE raster
  30. cell code
  31. census block
  32. census tract
  33. centerpoint
  34. central meridian
  35. centreline
  36. centroid
  37. CFR USE colour film recorder
  38. CGM USE computer graphics metafile
  39. chain
  40. chain code
  41. chainage
  42. change detection
  43. change vector analysis
  44. channel
  45. channel crosstalk
  46. channel imbalance
  47. channel selection
  48. character
  49. characteristic angle
  50. charge coupled detector USE CCD
  51. charge coupled device USE CCD
  52. charge coupled device imager
  53. charge injected device imager
  54. charge injection device
  55. charge transfer device
  56. charged coupled device USE CCD
  57. check plot
  58. chemical conditions
  59. chemical elements
  60. chemical processes
  61. chemical substance
  62. CHI USE ceilometer
  63. chi-squared distribution
  64. chirp
  65. chirp scaling
  66. chopper
  67. choropleth map
  68. chroma
  69. chromaticity
  70. chromaticity color triangle
  71. chromaticity color triangle with hue and saturation
  72. CID USE charge injection device
  73. CID IMAGER USE charge injected device imager
  74. cinetic temperature
  75. CIR USE colour infrared
  76. circular polarization
  77. circular sun-synchronous orbit
  78. circularly polarized antenna
  79. class
  80. class signature
  81. classification
  82. classification accuracy
  83. clean coverage data
  84. clip
  85. clipping
  86. clipping window
  87. close coupling
  88. cloud albedo
  89. cloud cover
  90. cloud editing
  91. cloud height indicator USE ceilometer
  92. cloud temperature
  93. Cloude decomposition
  94. cluster
  95. cluster analysis
  96. clustering
  97. clutter
  98. co-kriging
  99. co-ordinate transformation USE transformation
  100. co-pol correlation coefficient
  101. co-pol phase difference
  102. co-polarization maxima
  103. co-polarization nulls
  104. co-polarization signature
  105. code
  106. COGO USE coordinate geometry
  107. coherency matrix
  108. coherent radiation
  109. colo(u)r synthesis
  110. colo(u)r synthesis viewer
  111. color
  112. color balance
  113. color density slicing
  114. color film
  115. color infrared film
  116. color temperature
  117. colour composite
  118. colour density
  119. colour enhancement
  120. colour film USE color film
  121. colour film recorder
  122. colour imagery
  123. colour index
  124. colour infrared
  125. colour normalisation
  126. colour photography
  127. colour reproduction
  128. colourimetry
  129. column
  130. commission error
  131. commit
  132. complementary colors
  133. complete spatial randomness
  134. completely polarized wave
  135. complex coefficient of reflectivity
  136. complex number
  137. complex object
  138. complex polygon
  139. complex surface
  140. composite image
  141. composite lineament
  142. composite map
  144. compositor viewer
  145. computer
  146. computer aided design USE CAD
  147. computer aided mapping USE CAM
  148. computer assisted mapping USE CAM
  149. computer compatible tape
  150. computer graphics metafile
  151. computer mapping
  152. computer processing
  153. computer-aided aerial photography
  154. computer-aided design USE CAD
  155. computer-assisted processing
  156. concatenated key
  157. conceptual model
  158. conditional operator
  160. conductivity
  161. conflation
  162. conformal projection
  163. confusion matrix USE error matrix
  164. confusion matrix
  165. conical projection
  166. conjoint boundary USE shared boundary
  167. connectivity
  168. conservation of coordinates
  169. conservation of energy (Radar)
  170. construction
  171. consumer's accuracy
  172. contact print
  173. contextual classification
  174. contiguity
  175. contiguous
  176. continuous data
  177. continuous database
  178. continuous mapping
  179. continuous spectrum
  180. continuous variable
  181. contour USE contour line
  182. contour line
  183. contour mapping
  184. contour tagging
  185. contouring
  186. contrail
  187. contrast
  188. contrast enhancement
  189. contrast factor
  190. contrast stretch USE contrast stretching
  191. contrast stretching
  192. control
  193. control point
  194. controlled mosaic
  195. convair-580 C/X-SAR
  196. conversational mode system
  197. conversion
  198. coordinate geometry
  199. coordinate point
  200. coordinate system