
  1. P-band
  2. panchromatic band
  3. panchromatic film
  4. panchromatic imagery
  5. panchromatic photography
  6. panchromatic sensor
  7. panoramic distortion
  8. panoramic photography
  9. PAR USE photosynthetically active radiation
  10. parallax
  11. parallax difference
  12. parallel-polarized image
  13. parallelepiped classifier
  14. parameters
  15. parametric classification
  16. PARC USE polarimetric active radar calibrator
  17. partially polarized wave
  18. pass-band
  19. passive (sensing) system
  20. passive sensor
  21. passive system
  22. path
  23. pattern recognition
  24. payload
  25. PBDS USE photothermal beam deflection spectroscopy
  26. PBL USE planetary boundary layer
  27. PCA USE principal component analysis
  28. PCM USE pulse code modulation
  29. PCT USE principal component transform
  30. PDF USE probability density function
  31. peak side lobe ratio
  32. pedestal height
  33. periapsis
  34. perigee
  35. perihelion
  36. period
  37. period decay USE orbital decay
  38. period of revolution
  39. period of revolution values
  40. peripheral device
  41. permeability
  42. permittivity
  43. perpendicular vegetation index
  44. perspective
  45. perspective bundle
  46. perspective ray
  47. phase
  48. phase angle
  49. phase history
  50. PHIGS USE programmer hierarchical interactive graphics system
  51. photo base
  52. photo-emissive detector
  53. photoarcheology
  54. photocell
  55. photoconductive detector
  56. photoconductive film
  57. photodiode
  58. photoelectric device
  59. photoelectric tube
  60. photogeology
  61. photogram
  62. photogrammetric analysis
  63. photogrammetric control
  64. photogrammetry
  65. photograph
  66. photographic camera
  67. photographic film
  68. photographic filter
  69. photographic infrared
  70. photographic quality
  71. photographic technique
  72. photography
  73. photointerpretation
  74. photomap
  75. photometer
  76. photometry
  77. photomultiplier
  78. photopedology
  79. photosynthetically active radiation
  80. photothermal beam deflection spectroscopy
  81. phototriangulation
  82. photovoltaic detector
  83. physical conditions
  84. physical processes
  85. physical properties
  86. picture
  87. picture element USE pixel
  88. pit
  89. pitch
  90. pixel
  91. pixel jitter
  92. Planck's radiation law
  93. plane wave
  94. planetary boundary layer
  95. planimetry
  96. plant reflectance
  97. platform
  98. platform position
  99. platform refurbishment
  100. plotter
  101. Poincaré sphere
  102. point
  103. point data
  104. point spread function
  105. point-in-polygon operation
  106. pointable imager
  107. polar orbit
  108. polar stereographic projection
  109. polarimeter
  110. polarimetric active radar calibrator
  111. polarimetric anisotropy
  112. polarimetric calibration
  113. polarimetric contrast optimisation
  114. polarimetric entropy
  115. polarimetric image classification
  116. polarimetric radar
  117. polarimetry
  118. polarization
  119. polarization basis
  120. polarization efficiency
  121. polarization ellipse
  122. polarization map
  123. polarization signature
  124. polarization state
  125. polarization synthesis
  126. polarization-matched antenna
  127. polarizing filter
  128. polygon
  129. polygon overlay
  130. polygon-arc topology
  131. polyline
  132. positional accuracy
  133. positive (photographic)
  134. post-processing
  135. power
  136. power law stretch
  137. pre-development mapping
  138. pre-flight calibration measurement
  139. precision
  140. preprocessing
  141. PRF USE pulse repetition frequency
  142. primary colors
  143. primary data
  144. primary key
  145. prime meridian USE zero meridian
  146. principal axis
  147. principal component analysis
  148. principal component transform
  149. principal point
  150. print
  151. probability density function
  152. probability function
  153. probability threshold
  155. processing
  156. processing levels
  157. producer's accuracy
  158. products
  159. programmer hierarchical interactive graphics system
  160. projection
  161. propagation
  163. properties of material and products
  164. proportion estimation
  165. protocol
  166. PS USE polar stereographic projection
  167. pseudocolor enhancement
  168. pseudocolor transform
  169. pseudonode
  170. pseudoscopic view
  171. PSF USE point spread function
  172. PSLR USE peak side lobe ratio
  173. pulse
  174. pulse code modulation
  175. pulse duration
  176. pulse repetition frequency
  177. pulse width
  178. push-broom radiometer
  179. push-broom sensor
  180. pushbroom scanner USE optoelectronic scanner
  181. PVI USE perpendicular vegetation index
  182. pyranograph
  183. pyranometer
  184. pyroelectric sensor