European Education Thesaurus

  1. EAO [FR] USE didactic use of computer
  2. early childhood education
  3. early learning
  4. early reading
  5. earth sciences
  6. East Africa
  7. Eastern Europe USE Central and Eastern Europe
  8. Eastern religion
  9. eating habit
  10. EC Commission
  11. EC Committee of the Regions
  12. EC Council
  13. EC Court of Auditors
  14. EC Court of Justice
  15. EC Economic and Social Committee
  16. EC ESC USE EC Economic and Social Committee
  17. échange d'élèves [FR] USE school exchange
  18. échantillonnage [FR] USE sample
  19. éclairage artificiel [FR] USE lighting
  20. école communautaire [FR] USE community centre
  21. école de pensée [FR] USE pedagogical theory
  22. école du soir [FR] USE evening institute
  23. école élémentaire [FR] USE primary school
  24. école globale [FR] USE comprehensive secondary school
  25. école libre [FR] USE private school
  26. école mobile [FR] USE mobile educational services
  27. école par correspondance [FR] USE correspondence education
  28. école parallèle [FR] USE out of school education
  29. école sans murs [FR] USE open plan school
  30. écolier [FR] USE pupil
  31. ecology
  32. economia dell'educazione [IT] USE economics of education
  33. economic conditions
  34. economic crisis USE economic recession
  35. economic development
  36. economic environment
  37. economic factor
  38. economic geography USE social geography
  39. economic recession
  40. economic resources
  41. economic studies
  42. economics
  43. economics of education
  44. ECOSOC
  45. écriture phonétique [FR] USE phonetic transcription
  46. ECSC
  47. Ecuador
  48. educability
  49. Educação do carácter [PT] USE moral education
  50. Educação ecológica [PT] USE environmental education
  51. Educação mista [PT] USE coeducation
  52. Educação para a imagem [PT] USE media education
  53. Educação para os tempos livres [PT] USE leisure education
  54. Educação popular [PT] USE socio-cultural activities
  55. Educação pré-primária [PT] USE pre-school education
  56. Educação recorrente [PT] USE lifelong learning
  57. Educação social [PT] USE community education
  58. educació afectiva [CT] USE affective education
  59. educació emocional [CT] USE affective education
  60. educació ètica [CT] USE moral education
  61. educació femenina [CT] USE women's education
  62. educació general bàsica [CT] USE basic education
  63. educació infantil [CT] USE pre-school education
  64. educació multicultural [CT] USE intercultural education
  65. educació per al consum [CT] USE consumer education
  66. educació primària [CT] USE primary education
  67. educació recurrent [CT] USE lifelong learning
  68. educació secundària [CT] USE secondary education
  69. educación a distancia [GA] USE distance study
  70. educación bi-cultural [ES] USE intercultural education
  71. educación comunitaria [ES] USE community education
  72. educación comunitaria [GA] USE community education
  73. educación confesional [GA] USE religious education
  74. educación continua [ES] USE lifelong learning
  75. educación continua [GA] USE lifelong learning
  76. educación diferencial [GA] USE differentiated teaching
  77. educación domiciliaria [GA] USE home education
  78. educación ética [ES] USE moral education
  79. educación ética [GA] USE moral education
  80. educación experimental [GA] USE experimental education
  81. educación femenina [ES] USE women's education
  82. educación feminina [GA] USE women's education
  83. educación general básica [ES] USE primary education
  84. educación multi-cultural [ES] USE intercultural education
  85. educación multicultural [GA] USE intercultural education
  86. educación no domicilio [GA] USE home education
  87. educación non regrada [GA] USE non-formal education
  88. educación obreira [GA] USE workers' education
  89. educación para o ocio [GA] USE leisure education
  90. educación por obxectivos [GA] USE teaching by objectives
  91. educación recurrente [ES] USE lifelong learning
  92. education
  93. éducation à l'image [FR] USE media education
  94. éducation biculturelle [FR] USE intercultural education
  95. education budget
  96. éducation continue [FR] USE moral education
  97. éducation de soutien [FR] USE compensatory education
  98. éducation du caractère [FR] USE moral education
  99. education for peace
  100. education in the home USE home education
  101. éducation multiculturelle [FR] USE intercultural education
  102. education of women USE women's education
  103. education officer
  104. éducation populaire [FR] USE socio-cultural activities
  105. éducation préprimaire [FR] USE pre-school education
  106. éducation récurrente [FR] USE moral education
  107. education system
  108. education voucher
  109. educational administration
  110. educational building
  111. educational choice USE choice of studies
  112. educational deficit
  113. educational diagnosis USE evaluation
  114. educational ethnography USE anthropology of education
  115. educational expenditure USE cost of education
  116. educational film
  117. educational game
  118. educational grant USE scholarship
  119. educational guidance
  120. educational information
  121. educational innovation
  122. educational institution
  123. educational leave
  124. educational legislation
  125. educational media USE teaching aid
  126. educational method
  127. educational need
  128. educational opportunities
  129. educational planning
  130. educational policy
  131. educational provision
  132. educational psychology
  133. educational radio
  134. educational reform
  135. educational research
  136. educational sciences USE sciences of education
  137. educational sociology
  138. educational software
  139. educational supply USE educational provision
  140. educational system USE education system
  141. educational technology
  142. educational television
  143. educational theories history USE history of education
  144. educational theory
  145. educationalist
  146. educazione all'immagine [IT] USE media education
  147. educazione comparata [IT] USE comparative education
  148. educazione del carattere [IT] USE moral education
  149. educazione di comunità [IT] USE community education
  150. educazione sperimentale [IT] USE experimental education
  151. EEC
  152. eficacia do centro de ensinanza [GA] USE school effectiveness
  153. EGIF [VS] USE European Social Fund
  154. egitasmoa [VS] USE plan
  155. ego USE self
  156. ego growth USE personality development
  157. ego [CT] USE self
  158. Ego [DE] USE self
  159. Ego [DE] USE agricultural training
  160. ego [ES] USE self
  161. ego [FR] USE self
  162. ego [GA] USE self
  163. ego [VS] USE self
  164. ego [VS] USE teacher-pupil relation
  165. egocentrism
  166. egoera depresiboa [VS] USE depression
  167. egoism
  168. egokitze-ikastaroa [VS] USE father-child relation
  169. egokitze-ikastaroa [VS] USE block teaching
  170. egunkaria [VS] USE press
  171. egunkaria [VS] USE teacher-pupil relation
  172. Egypt
  173. Eigenschaft [DE] USE individual characteristics
  174. Eingabe-Ausgabe-Einheit [DE] USE input-output device
  175. Eingangstest [DE] USE initial assessment
  176. Einschulung [DE] USE videodisc
  177. Eintritt ins Erwerbsleben [DE] USE occupational integration
  178. Eintritt ins Erwerbsleben [DE] USE didactic use of computer
  179. Eire [VS] USE Ireland
  180. ejercicio profesional [ES] USE career development
  181. ejército [ES] USE armed forces
  182. Ekialdeko Europa [VS] USE Central and Eastern Europe
  183. ekintza-bizieran sartzea [VS] USE occupational integration
  184. ekintza-bizieran sartzea [VS] USE teacher-pupil relation
  185. ekonomi-geografia [VS] USE social geography
  186. ekonomia faktorea [VS] USE economic factor
  187. El Salvador
  188. elaboración de material didáctico [ES] USE creation of teaching aids
  189. elaboración de material didáctico [GA] USE creation of teaching aids
  190. elaboración de medios de ensinanza [GA] USE creation of teaching aids
  191. elaboratore [IT] USE computer
  192. elbarria [VS] USE invalid
  193. elderly person
  194. eleberria [VS] USE novel
  195. elecció de carrera [CT] USE occupational choice
  196. elección de carreira [GA] USE occupational choice
  197. elección de carrera [ES] USE occupational choice
  198. election
  199. elective course
  200. elective subject USE optional subjects