Management features
Term edition features
- Edit in place for terms
- Easy management of conceptual relations
- No limits in number of terms, alternative labels, levels of hierarchy, etc
- Bulk upload for terms
- Asign unique code for each term
- Terms management workflow with rules
- Define and create new relation types between concepts and terms: let's go beyond the thesauri
Note editor features
- Scope notes, Historical and Bibliographical notes
- Private notes (only for editors)
- WYSWYG editor for notes: insert images and links in notes
- References links between terms using wiki syntax in notes
- User defined notes: create new types of notes
Management features
- One core, many vocabularies: manage multiple vocabularies with one TemaTres core
- Millions of concepts in more than 450 known cases
- Import from Skos-Core, tabulated or tagged text file
- User management
- Terms and user supervision
- Advanced Reports for editors in CSV
- Advanced configuration options
Quality assurance
The Quality assurance was improved with detailed and flexible reports about quality indicators.
- Audit illegal relations between terms, duplicates terms control.
- Free Terms, terms without hierarchical relationships.
- Stadistical reports. Ex: average number of words per term, terms per number of broader terms, terms per number of narrower terms and by depth level.
- Parsing reports. Ex: words with not supported prefixes or suffixes.
- User defined reports. Ex: terms per user, with notes, etc.